D!3 - "Barn til vi dør" (Norwegian hip hop)
Muri & Mario - "Hun tog min guitar" (one of this year's most charming summer songs, as performed by a Danish duo)
Vinni - "God morgen Norge" (More Norwegian hip hop, this one a rewrite of a classic Knutsen & Ludvigsen song)
Glen Hansard - "Love Don't Leave Me Waiting" (The Irish guy behind Once)
Allo Darlin' - "Tallulah" (Charming British indie pop)
Mr. Vegas - ""Whenever You're Lonely" (Sunny Jamaican reggae)
By following the link below, you can access the songs through WiMP. If you're not a subscriber, you still get to listen to 30 seconds of each song to see if you like them or not.
Yess, det er sommer! - the 100 best summer songs
Also, being a travel journalist for the Norwegian magazine Se og Hør, I have chosen three great destinations for actually enjoying the playlist in the best environments possible. The link below features this text in Norwegian, but by looking at the pictures and using Google Translate, you should be alright.
Three great places to visit this summer
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